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Quackerz (2016)

Watch Quackerz (2016)
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Title: Quackerz (2016)
IMDB Rating: 5.7/10 from 52 users Updated : 2016-06-03
Genres: Animation , Adventure , Comedy , Family , Fantasy
Actors: Michael Gross , Jesse Corti , Bruce Nozick , Robbie Daymond , Mark DeCarlo
Director: Viktor Lakisov
Runtime: 81
Year: 2016
Plot: On the little island lost in far sunny China the regular life of mandarin ducks in an instant turns into chaos: the flock of the military mallards are making a cruise to Hawaii| by mistake lands on the mandarine's island. The chief of mallards| Duckmus doesn't want to reckon with the local traditions| as well the mandarin's Emperor doesn't like uninvited guests. The Cold War breaks out between two clans . The heir of the of mandarin's Emperor| Longway is falling in love with charming Erica| the daughter of the mallards chief and kids don't care about the war between their dads. While leaders are trying to sort out their relationships| Longway gets into a trouble. Two stupid thieves from the human town| on the instructions of the Old Witch| start to hunt for Longway. It turns out| that Longway is the magic "Sun Duck"| which| according to the legend| is endowed with superhuman abilities| and it allows him to get power from the sun. The Old Witch is ready for any crime for the sake of ...

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